Tuesday, March 30, 2010

CS400H Final Project - Response to Vancouver Olympics

For the final project of my 4th year Communications course entitled Citizen Media and the Public Sphere (the course I was required to write this blog for), I was asked to engage in a citizen media project. I chose to make a YouTube response to the Vancouver Olympics that outlined the actuality of all the Winter Olympic spending. The importance of putting this spending into context is outlined in the remix of clips. The links to the clips I used are at the end of the video.

The creation of this video illustrates the concept that citizen media (like YouTube) can provide an alternative view to mainstream, hegemonic news. As well, it illustrates that the concept of remixing other texts (in this case, YouTube clips) is an effective way to create a new idea built upon other works.

This is the first time I've created something like this, so any and all constructive criticism is encouraged! Feel free to say things like "the clip from _:_ to _:_ is too long", "blank doesn't flow", or whatever you'd like. For the report part of this project, I need to include some feedback I receive, so please comment, rate and share it with your friends. The video is too wide for this post, so feel free to open it in its own browser to view it in proper form.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!

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