Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When Mainstream and Citizen Media Collide

Earlier today in Toronto, a tractor trailer accident caused Highway 401’s Westbound lanes to close for a significant amount of hours. Spilling two trailers worth of materials resulting in a serious clean-up, CP24 and other mainstream news outlets were sure to be on the scene and report the incident. Not surprisingly, many drivers traveling by were also taking footage of the accident and mess, bringing out their cell phones and other electronic devices to either snap a photo or take a video. What these drivers didn’t realize though, was that as they were travelling slowly by the accident filming the scene, the many police officers standing by would notice this and surely do something about it. After all, in Ontario it is now illegal to use a cell phone in any way while driving a car, so this traffic accident became the perfect opportunity for officers to enforce the new law. While being interviewed live by CP24, an officer noticed a man using his cameraphone while driving and swiftly pulled him over. Watch this humorous encounter between mainstream live media and citizen journalism.

Check out the video on the top right of the CP24 site.

Do you think this is merely bad timing on the driver's behalf? Or do you think it could be staged to set an example or precedent for other citizens not to use mobile devices while driving?

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